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We are in the middle of Mental Health Awareness Week. Maybe you’ve seen some posts, reminders and emails about it.

This year the theme is Kindness Matters and I have included the link to the page where you get some really good ideas about being kind to yourself and kind to others.

There is a short video that reminds us of the importance of kindness.

Kindness to others when they are struggling or finding life an uphill journey.

Kindness to others because when we are kind, it can help us feel better about ourselves.

And Kindness to ourselves to remind us that we all need to be looked after.

Over these last weeks I have shared things about love and kindness, but sometimes there are days or seasons when love and kindness are for other people and we struggle to feel anything. But even in those times it is important that we offer love and kindness despite how receptive the other person appears. Sometimes kindness can break down the barriers of fear and shake the power of depression. Like a beam of sunshine through a cloudy sky. 

An expression of Big Love.

At the end of one of my hardest weeks (quite some years ago) on the Adventure Playground I once ran, a small boy persuaded his mum to buy a portion of chips with their order and drop it off for me as we closed the doors. That act of kindness dispelled the darkness of the week behind me and reminded me of the joy of humanity when we get it right. It brought me to tears then and still does when I recall it now. He showed Big Love.

When we act and speak from a place of generosity – believing that most of the time people are really trying the best they can today – then offering words of love and kindness, acting in kind and loving ways come more naturally. Praying for them, encouraging them, helping them becomes an act of Big Love – and this Big Love comes from One that is Love. 

Do you find it easy to see God in the acts of kindness to you?

Do you see God’s love in the gift of kindness that you give?

What do you need when you are finding life an uphill journey?

Have you got a team around you that know you, feel for you and could help you when you need it?

Are you on someone else’s team – ready to show them Big Love and kindness when they need it most?

During this week please take the time to think about your own mental health and how you might keep it strong and healthy just like you keep your body healthy with good nutrition and exercise. Talk to other people about the things you find easy and the stuff you find difficult.

We are fortunate that we have a champions of positive mental health in our schools who know and see and understand and can often help if you let them help. If you are not sure who they are then ask me, I am one of them and I am always ready to share God’s Big Love, show kindness and generosity and listen to what matters for you.

Big Love to you all.