The sun sets on this academic year gone by and we recall the hard work and effort we have put in. As the sun rises on the next part of our journeys, we give thanks for those who have been with us and travel on to different places, we consider the hope in the coming weeks and months for a new school year, and we look forward to those who will join us on our journey. And although the time between sunset and sunrise feels dark, it is full of the hope and promise that the light will shine and our faith will be strong.
Praise God that this year is finished and we have made it.
God give us all rest and relaxation this summer.
And God guide us on the way ahead.
Prayers that I share with you at the end of this year -
God our Father,
we praise and thank you for the gift of this school year,
a time filled with grace and blessings,
opportunities and challenges.
With the fulfilment of our summer hopes and dreams,
watch over us in the weeks of rest ahead.
Guide us each day
and help us to return to school
with a new refreshed spirit and energy
to continue in our journey of enjoyment, achievement and learning.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Loving God,
As we reflect on the year just past and all that happened within it,
We give thanks for the times this year where you have felt near.
As we remember the tough times, the sad times, the times that we would rather forget,
Help us to learn from them and move forward.
As we consider where we are now and what we will do next,
Give us the imagination and motivation to set new goals and continue to seek your support.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord God,
From where we have come from, in faith - grant us peace and joy.
As we are here as a fellowship in this space, give us insight and help us to be humble
As we go from this place, bring us safely back to this school family.
May God bless you and all whom you care for this day and forever more.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.