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A New Summer-ish Term

This last couple of weeks have been sprinkled with celebrations.

Whether you celebrated Easter, Eid or the merely the start of British Summer Time, I hope you have found them uplifting, joy-giving and inspiring.


This new term begins with bright blue sky, driving rain, biting cold, high winds and patches of lovely warm sunshine. A true British Summers day. But with it comes uncertainty – coat or not, umbrella or not, sunglasses, gloves, rainhat, snow shovel, sunscreen or bivouac?


This term also begins like that for many of our children and young people: 

Our year 6 pupils now know there Secondary School places and hopefully most will be satisfied. 

They are however facing the prospect of SATS in a number of weeks’ time.

Similarly too, our Year 11 students are planning for their Prom whilst working really diligently towards their exams that begin in the coming weeks.


God’s people are resilient. I preached on this yesterday and we used the example of Nehemiah.

God’s people have been scattered, their identity has been knocked. Yet they still follow God and still try to hold onto their values. Their present is uncertain, their future without hope, but still they go onwards.

Regardless of the uncertainty of the world, their ability to bounce back from setbacks is equalled by their faith in a loving God who values them and encourages them.


My prayer for each of us this term is to double down on our faith – pray a bit more, worship a little more, read more if you can, and look and listen for God more.

My hope is that even if those around us are struggling and stressing – they will take courage and find peace in those of us who can offer a word of compassion and a prayer of thanksgiving.

Lord God,

Ready us for whatever is to come.

Strengthen us to journey through what we need to get through.

Inspire us to seek those things that will make us resilient.

Encourage us to support others as we also remember to care for ourselves.

Bless us as we look to you for your spirit’s touch upon our lives.

In God’s Holy name we pray.
