They sat each with a slice of quiche, some new potatoes with a drizzle of butter and some green beans.
A glass of wine sat beside their plate and a candle lit, shining a light on the table and the tablet.
They ate together and valued the company of each other.
They were determined to keep their dinner date even though they couldn’t meet.
My friend said that although it felt a bit funny, it was so nice to connect with her friend and eat the meal together that they had planned and booked before lockdown - even though it was over zoom and in two places. They had planned this change of plan during lockdown – cook the same meal, open the same coloured wine, light a candle and then dial in.
There is something special about sharing a meal with someone. Inviting someone to your table, providing them with what you have and connecting with them over food. A fellowship happens – a connection of hearts, a community thing, a time to share. This season has been good for some – an opportunity to get back into the practice of sitting up the meal table together or just eating in the same room as each other. Nowhere to go but here. No one to be with but together. And for some it will have fed relationships, kindled interests again, connected in ways not felt for a while.
Making a meal of it makes a difference.
Perhaps you’ve planned a meal with someone for when this is all over.
Maybe you’ve got a list in your head of the people you’ll invite when we get the chance.
I wonder what excitement grows in you when you think about it.
And for some people they are thinking of Communion in this way too.
For some, this special way of connecting with Christ is the meal they are looking forward to more than any other.
In some churches – today is called Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ). It is a celebratory day to remind ourselves of when Jesus shared bread and wine with His disciples (Matthew 26:17-30) and commends us to follow in His way (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). It is a day to remember the special connection we have with God and with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Worldwide through a meal. I believe that Jesus knew that something special happens over a meal. That people connect and feel belonging and build relationships over a meal. I believe He made a meal of it to remind us to connect with Him and with each other regularly – to build fellowship, community, harmony and hope.
So why not sit today with a piece of bread and as you chew, thank Jesus for the body that He broke for us and for the community that we are part of.
Maybe sit with your tea, your water, juice or whatever you have to drink and as you sip, thank Jesus for the promise of hope offered to all God’s children and the peace we seek. And as I do that too today, we will join together in Praise of all the God has done and in excitement of all that He will do.
The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given for you and shed for you.
Take, eat and drink, in remembrance that Christ died for you, and feed on Him in your heart by faith with thanksgiving. Amen.