On Friday 27th May, Woolwich celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The whole school celebrated in the afternoon with a tea party on the Muga. ↓
In Year 6, they learnt about the Queen’s life and her family tree; they considered their own families and created family trees. In teams, they completed quizzes linked to the Queen’s reign.
Year 5 Curie Class made many memorable moments in celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. Children wore the crowns they had made, from recycled materials. In assembly, they learnt about the Queen and her family and later in class they took a quiz to see how much they had remembered. Curie Class made sandwiches for the tea party that was scheduled for the afternoon. They prepared the flags of the commonwealth so they could wave them as they entered the tea party. They recorded their celebrations in their books so in many years to come they can look back on these memorable moments. ↓
Monet Nursery class had a fabulous week making their crowns, threading beads to make necklaces, collaging soldiers and lots more! ↓