Attendance Policy
Each Friday morning parents and carers are invited to join in our celebratory Collective Worship, when pupils with the best attendance and punctuality are acknowledged. At the end of each term all the children with 100% attendance are awarded with a certificate and are entered into a raffle for a special prize.
Statistically, children whose attendance is less than 85% will fail to meet their potential. Additionally, the Government expects your child to attend at least 96% of school sessions. In real terms, that means that should you take your child out of school for 10 days Leave of Absence in term time and your child has time off sick, they will already be below the official attendance rate. We are required to check absence on a half term basis and repeated absence is followed up by the Attendance Advisory Officer. Of course, if your child is unwell and cannot attend school, then please phone the school office in the morning of their absence and inform us why they were absent.
Excellent attendance and punctuality is key in order for all children to achieve their full potiential. Children learn a lot in one day and any absences can make it difficult for your child to catch up with their learning. We always aim to have our attendance figure of at least 96% - this is in line with national figures.