We expect the very highest standards of behaviour from every student in every aspect of school life on or off the campus. We want our students to learn and be self-controlled in their focus and engagement. There are clear systems in place to reward good behaviour and also for when students need to modify their behaviour because it is detrimental to another's learning or their own.
What is Restorative justice?
Restorative Justice (RJ) is used successfully in a large amount of schools in order to reduce repetitive incidents of poor behaviour. The approach allows for both the ‘perpetrator’ and any ‘victims’ to discuss the incident in a secure and open environment.
How does it benefit our school?
We are extremely proud of our ‘restorative justice’ approach to handling behaviour issues. This new approach will allow us to have a more restorative approach to incidents of poor behaviour and is fitting for our Christian ethos here at the school.
At St Mary Magdalene we are extremely excited at the prospect of becoming an expert RJ school in the near future.
If you would like to read more about the approach, please visit the website below for more information.